holds a
special place in a family’s life, a milestone
such as a birthday, an anniversary or a
loved one’s passing can present an op-
portunity to make the occasion all the
more meaningful.
For Mrs. Elinor Wormer of Ferris Hills at
West Lake in Canandaigua, the wedding
of her daughter Susan to longtime part-
ner Edward “Ed” Chippero presented
just such an opportunity. The couple had
requested donations to charity in lieu
of wedding gifts, and Mrs. Wormer im-
mediately knew she wanted to make a
gift through the F.F. Thompson Founda-
tion to Thompson’s skilled-nursing facility,
the M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center.
“It seemed only fitting,” she says.
After all, it was there that her hus-
band of more than 60 years, Dr. Donald
Wormer, received specialized care for a
form of dementia, beginning in 2013.
A general surgeon for 28 years in
Olean, Dr. Wormer had settled in com-
fortably at the continuing care center, be-
friending the staff and checking on other
residents to see how they were doing.
The family felt it was as though he was
still a practicing physician, “making the
rounds” at the hospital. The quality care
he received up until his death in October
2014 was a blessing for the entire family,
according to his wife.
And the family’s thoughtfulness be-
came a blessing to Thompson, according
to Foundation Director Anita Pietropaolo.
In celebration of the wedding of her
daughter Susan, left, Mrs. Elinor Wormer
of Ferris Hills atWest Lake in Canandaigua
made a gift to Thompson Health.
to amilestone
“As a community health system, we
have a special relationship with many
families in the area,” she says. “We are
always so appreciative when they show
their gratitude for the care they have
received by making a gift benefiting oth-
ers we serve.”
There are several options within the
health system when it comes to desig-
nating a gift in honor of a special
occasion. Donations can benefit pro-
grams and services, equipment needs
within the hospital, the Sands Cancer
Center, the skilled-nursing facility or
other aspects of Thompson’s senior living
continuum of care.
“We work with a family to make
sure their contribution—whether it’s in
conjunction with a joyous occasion or
somber occasion—is directly applied
to the cause that means the most to
them, and we are honored to do so,”
Pietropaolo says.
For more information
about contributing to
Thompson Health, see
the enclosed envelope,